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Blood Raven's Charge

Blood Raven's Charge [Class Specific]

Blood Raven's Charge Two-Hand Damage: (56-66) To (131-155) (93.5-110.5 Avg)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
(Amazon Only)
+180-230% Enhanced Damage (varies)
200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts [Level 13]
Level 5 Revive (30 charges)
+2-4 To Bow And Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Blood Raven's Charge


Price 4.71 USD

What is Blood Raven's Charge in D2R?

Blood Raven's Charge is a unique Matriarchal Bow in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). It is named after Blood Raven, a former Rogue captain who was corrupted and turned into a powerful undead archer by the game's main antagonist, Diablo. Blood Raven's Charge is a rare drop that can be found in the game's later difficulty levels or obtained through trading with other players.

Blood Raven's Charge is considered one of the best bows for Amazon players in Diablo 2, and is highly sought after by players seeking to optimize their character's gear. The combination of increased attack speed, enhanced damage, and fire damage makes it a powerful choice for any Amazon build, while the bonus to life after each demon kill makes it particularly useful for fighting demon enemies in the game.

What is Blood Raven's Charge Good For in D2R?

Blood Raven's Charge is a powerful weapon in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) that is particularly useful for Amazon characters. Here are some ways in which Blood Raven's Charge is good for Amazon builds in D2R:

  • Increased Attack Speed: Blood Raven's Charge provides a +20% Increased Attack Speed bonus, which can help Amazons to attack faster and deal more damage.

  • Enhanced Damage: With a +50-70% Enhanced Damage bonus, Blood Raven's Charge can help Amazons to deal significantly more damage with each hit.

  • Fire Damage: The weapon adds 25-50 Fire Damage to attacks, which can help Amazons to deal extra damage to enemies that are vulnerable to fire.

  • Amazon Skill Levels: Blood Raven's Charge provides a +2 to Amazon Skill Levels bonus, which can help to increase the power and effectiveness of Amazon skills.

  • Life After Each Demon Kill: The weapon provides +5-9 Life After Each Demon Kill, which can help Amazons to sustain themselves in battle by restoring their health after defeating demon enemies.

Blood Raven's Charge is a highly desirable weapon for Amazon players in D2R, and can be a key part of an effective build for this class. The combination of increased attack speed, enhanced damage, and fire damage makes it a powerful choice for any Amazon build, while the bonus to life after each demon kill makes it particularly useful for fighting demon enemies in the game. The Amazon class has several builds that can benefit from using Blood Raven's Charge, such as the Bowazon or the Hybridzon.

Where To Farm Blood Raven's Charge in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Blood Raven's Charge is a rare and valuable bow in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and there are several areas in the game where you can farm for it. Here are some of the best places to farm for Blood Raven's Charge in D2R:

  • Countess: The Countess is a boss located in the Tower Cellar Level 5 of the Black Marsh area. She has a chance to drop the key to the Forgotten Tower, which can be used to open the tower and access a chest that has a high chance of dropping unique items. Blood Raven's Charge can potentially drop from this chest, so you may want to farm the Countess and the Forgotten Tower to try and obtain the bow.

  • Andy: Andariel is a boss located in the Catacombs Level 4 of the Tamoe Highland area. She has a chance to drop unique items, including Blood Raven's Charge. You may want to farm Andariel on higher difficulties for a better chance of finding the bow.

  • Mephisto: Mephisto is a boss located in the Durance of Hate Level 3 of the Kurast area. He has a chance to drop unique items, including Blood Raven's Charge. You may want to farm Mephisto on higher difficulties for a better chance of finding the bow.

  • Baal: Baal is a boss located in the Throne of Destruction area of Act 5. He has a chance to drop unique items, including Blood Raven's Charge. You may want to farm Baal on higher difficulties for a better chance of finding the bow.

  • Trading: If you have valuable items that other players want, you can try trading for Blood Raven's Charge with other players in the game. This can be a good way to obtain the bow if you have items that are in demand.

Overall, obtaining Blood Raven's Charge in Diablo 2 Resurrected requires persistence and luck, as it is a rare drop. However, farming bosses on higher difficulties or trading with other players can increase your chances of finding the bow.

Which Build is Good To Use Blood Raven's Charge in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Blood Raven's Charge is a highly versatile bow in Diablo 2 Resurrected and can be used effectively by several different Amazon builds. Here are some examples of Amazon builds that can benefit from using Blood Raven's Charge:

  • Bowazon: This build focuses on using bows to deal damage to enemies from a distance. Blood Raven's Charge can be a good choice for this build, as it provides bonuses to attack speed, enhanced damage, fire damage, and life steal, which can help to maximize the damage output of the bow attacks.

  • Hybridzon: The Hybridzon build focuses on using a combination of bow attacks and javelin/spear attacks to deal damage to enemies. Blood Raven's Charge can be a versatile choice for this build, as it provides bonuses to attack speed, enhanced damage, fire damage, and life steal, which can help to maximize the damage output of both types of attacks.

  • Strafezon: The Strafezon build focuses on using the Strafe skill to rapidly fire arrows at groups of enemies. Blood Raven's Charge can be a good choice for this build, as it provides bonuses to attack speed, enhanced damage, fire damage, and life steal, which can help to maximize the damage output of Strafe.

  • Immolationzon: The Immolationzon build focuses on using the Immolation Arrow skill to deal fire damage to enemies. Blood Raven's Charge can be a great choice for this build, as it provides bonuses to attack speed, enhanced damage, fire damage, and life steal, which can help to maximize the damage output of Immolation Arrow.

Blood Raven's Charge is a highly desirable bow for Amazon players in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and it can be a key part of an effective build for this class. The combination of increased attack speed, enhanced damage, and fire damage makes it a powerful choice for various Amazon builds, and the bonus to life after each demon kill makes it particularly useful for fighting demon enemies in the game.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Blood Raven's Charge Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Blood Raven's Charge Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Blood Raven's Charge are ranged from 3.7USD to 4.71USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Blood Raven's Charge trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Blood Raven's Charge is priced at 3.7USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 3.7USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 30 D2R items in this Class Specific, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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